LED Floodlight & High Bay
Whether for indoor or outdoor use, innovative LED flood lights are belong to our range and are special designed for professional use in industry and commerce.
In addition, our team of engineers can customize for your needs design luminaires that meet your specific needs.
One Step Ahead!
Besides of quality, durability and control aspects often specific tailored solutions are requested in the Industry, but we are going one step further and considering of all aspects Products that improve the production and simultaneously saves energy by colour temperature and dimmable solutions that interferes to the human hormone and its productivity are only one examples that make our product different from other ordinary lighting products.
Due to our comprehensive knowledge and development we take care of all aspects and that might be the reason why we make the difference in the lighting business.
Some datasheets of existing floodlights for Industrial use:
Floodlight BJ112
Streetlight 360°
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